Pedego Leeds moves to Chapel Allerton

May 6th, 2020

Pedego Leeds has relocated their store from Meanwood Road’s Trading Estate, to Chapel Allerton’s famous Casa Mia Italian Restaurant.

The move will make hiring and purchasing e-bikes that much easier for our current and future Pedego Owners.

Here at Pedego Leeds we understand the struggles our customers may be facing during these uncertain times and we aim to help combat those struggles. By relocating our store to the heart of Chapel Allerton we will increase engagement with our customers – albeit at a 2m distance – and make hiring, purchasing, and bike servicing more convenient for the local community.

Riding a bike respects social distancing

When you ride a bike, it’s just you and the road.

The World Health Organization recommend cycling or walking to essential journeys. Cycling respects social distancing and improves both physical and mental health which are essential to maintain especially during these worrying times.

Commute to work worry-free with our extended battery range of up to 120km you’d be a fool not to!

COVID-19 precautions

All Pedego E-Bikes are regularly cleaned and disinfected thoroughly, before and after use. Our Pedego Leeds Team will maintain a safe distance from customers and will wear protective equipment accordingly.

We advise our Pedego Owners to ride solo or with one other member of your household. We also advise to be aware of fellow cyclists and pedestrians passing by.

Pedego Leeds is taking new orders NOW

Life may be on hold for now – but it won’t be forever. Pedego Leeds is currently taking orders on our latest range of e-bikes, accessories, bike tours and holidays!

Visit our new store now at Casa Mia Italian Restaurant, 10-12 Stainbeck Lane, LS7 3QY, Chapel Allerton to find out more.

Pedego Leeds moves to Chapel Allerton